Why 3 A.M. is Significant?

Your eyes pop open.
You are awake, slowly your body I mean your soul grabs surrounding attention.
Time to wake up? Isn’t it?
Now, it is the time that your brain starts bowling like the sun is not up, you are in the mid of your dream et cetera.
But wait: It’s still pitch dark outside. Um mm…maybe that’s because it’s only three-thirty in the morning.
what happens if next seldom varies. You keep on flipping sides, hoping one will work for you to sleep again. But nothing does, you notice that your alarm goes by every 15 minutes and you snooze again.
Then you will slip into your shoes, grab your brush, and tastes your paste. After your morning chores, immediately you will feel hungry. I really have a doubt that what will the body do with all the extra fat that was saved in last night's dinner. Anyways….
There is a saying in a yogic culture that at 3 or 3:30 AM, there is a heightened state of cosmic energy. One more is that our aura or our energy is also heightened to a certain state at this time and there is no coherence of any other energy mixing. ( Note: Even your Wi-Fi signals or mobile signal is an energy that can disturb you from achieving what you want)…
Finally, sit in a place where you feel you will not be disturbed for 15–20 minutes. Sit in a cross-legged position and eyes closed. Don't divert any of your thoughts that your brain makes. Guess what you are going to do meditation. Yes. Slowly all the thoughts and the disturbance will have vanished once you start to feel the power of your meditation. Pray, feel yourself or your surroundings, do whatever you want in the meditation. But one remainder whatever your or opting for or longing for in your day-to-day life if you focus on that one thing very consciously I mean very very severe concentration on that, that thing will happen for you.
Now, don't comment on me and ask me when you will get what you longed for. It takes time according to the severeness of your thoughts.
For everything to happen in your life it takes a certain amount of time. Please wait, if it is necessary for you it will come to you automatically, and if it is not it won't, viceversa.
I hereby conclude that please do meditation and speak with yourself. It will help you more than your closest friend. Read a lot of books according to your quest and situation, you will find more answers.
Live happily, Live in present. Then life will be present and pleasant full for you.